• Journal

    A Little Sketchy

    By Joy Lynn Clark July 8, 2024 During the period after college graduation and in between contracts, I decided to apply to school for production. I was eventually accepted but in the meantime I was back up north looking for an apartment. At night I was still doing promo when I was introduced to a really cool lady with locks at my favorite reggae spot. It was a little hole in the wall with cheap drinks. She and I took to each other quickly. I handed her a CD and some promo stuff.   The very next week I am taking my usual stroll near the beach. On the other hand,…

  • Journal

    Burn Out

    By Joy Lynn Clark June 15, 2024 Before I became a mother and back home with my little one, I was experiencing, “burn out“. All of the club nights, parties, and shows had me exhausted. I would record in the morning and sleep a few hours if I’m lucky. I would always catch a nap in the car or on the way to events and during any wait in any waiting room. My schedule consisted of recording early in the morning, shopping for the evening’s outfit and/or, “store drop“, which was visiting different retailers with promotional items. Next dinner, change clothes, runway show, club gig till the morning and, then…

  • Music


    7/17/2023 By Joy Lynn Clark I’ve been working on all of this new stuff and a lot of it’s halfway done so I decided to make a playlist of more finished work. Enjoy.

  • Music

    Dumb Dumbs

    By Joy Lynn Clark 8/13/2020 I made This song some months ago in quarantine. I was set up in my laundry room and it sucked. Nevertheless, it came out all right. I decided that I wanted to rock just a little bit harder, so here’s the new one.

  • Music

    Late Bloomer / Stuck In The Paper

    By Joy Lynn Clark 11/14/2016 I saw this rose today at Palmisano park. ​​Stuck In The Paper Stuck through it all Though I’m gonna fall Wishing I could catch myself Seems like the choices I pick Just keep on making me sick Everything seems bad for my health What the hell is wrong with me? Should I chalk it up to being crazy? I want everything but I just missed the plane And no one knows even if I explain Up a creek without a paddle Got no horse but I got a saddle Everywhere and you just can’t see me And someone else might just be me Its complicated…

  • Music


    By Joy Lynn Clark 06/17/2024 I wrote this song sixteen years ago as I was watching the tale of the “infamous” Burr Oak Cemetary scandal https://daisyfriday.net/burr-oak-on-the-colored-side/ unfold on the local Chicago news. I still had not known that I had ancestors buried there but I was asking around. As I heard the story, my mind drifted off about vampires, zombies, and grave robbers. Things is part of a larger work that I was going to make a, “rock opera”. I never managed to finish it but, there are a few more tunes. I also arranged the original duet to a solo. I never got my settlement. Below is a palatable,…

  • Journal

    Digitizing Records

    By Joy Lynn Clark 05/24/2024 While in between contracts mom introduces me to one of her friends in radio. He asked me all about my education and I mention all of my skillsets; especially audio. Her friend hires me to make cd copies of his vinyl. I take on the task and hook up mom’s old record player to my computer. The second I start ripping the first album, it becomes clear that I am going to have to mix and master this too. Her friend hadn’t offered me that much money. On top of that he brought me like, 10 records. I really wanted to impress this guy but…

  • Watching


    By Joy Lynn Clark 04/30/2024 What a glorious day for accessibility! Echo is completely acted out in sign language and subtitled. What for the mouth talkers like myself, I loved it! I never minded the reading, and the emotions of the actors can be seen and felt.