• Journal

    From the editor: Make a Donation

    By Joy Lynn Clark 06/18/2022 J To Z media is an independent, nonprofit publisher of original content through the website Daisyfriday.net. This site features original music, stories, and personal photos in the photo section. As a child I was diagnosed with a mental disability. Although I like to highlight some my experiences whether good or bad, I have always struggled with racism, sexism, and discrimination. My aim is to deliver great content despite those obstacles. Throughout the years I have had treatment and education on my condition. I cope with my disease through work, fitness, and nutrition. I seek out things that are accessible and I work at it. I…

  • Journal

    Visiting at Grandma’s

    June 11, 2022 By Joy Lynn Clark Grandmas house was always lively. People would come and visit all the time. Many of my aunts’ and uncles’ friends would stop by because they are so fond of the family. At the time, we had relatives in town from California. My great aunt had just married a guy from Osaka and they Had all sorts of healthy looking treats which were all strange looking to me. The most strange – nori that’s the green part in the sushi. My California relatives were still in bed and I was chatting with grandma and grandpa at coffee time and drinking my narco cough syrup because…

  • Journal

    The Panhandle

    By Joy Lynn Clark May 30, 2022 Like I said before, Tez, Shystie, and I took many trips. In addition, another one of Tez’s friends and an artist on our compilation that features many Chicago rappers that we know. In addition, Su A.k.a. Billy bogus also came. I thought his name was funny as hell. I didn’t even think twice. Anyhow, we had a cool condo on International Drive. Shystie and I were in the bikini shop like, “we love this place!”. We checked out their crobar, it was Aiight. I was expecting nonstop night clubbing but we only had one night to deal with. Mostly it was day events that were super interesting.…

  • Journal


    By Joy Lynn Clark May 29th 2022, Eventually, my stepbrother retires (or finishes his tour) from the United States Air Force and comes home to be an ordinary civilian, lol. He starts a job somewhere and I am still in the city working on my dream career. My stepmom called me a couple of times to insist that I visit but,  I was just too busy. At one point, I worked for a local entrepreneur who is just starting a cell phone shop but, in the other part of the building housed  a graphic design firm where I got my first graphics gig. It didn’t pay much and I had just gone…