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    Dating This Guy is Not Working

    March 27, 2023 By Joy Lynn Clark I have been online dating since it was invented. In my last post, (dating in the digital age) I’ve posted lots of tips for the online dating scene. Recently, I decided to try online dating again since I have been depressingly single. I meant another guy and he was cool. OK here comes the McMillan-esque getting-your-groove-back-part, he was younger. Not in age, I don’t think, but in lifestyle. I didn’t mind that he didn’t have a car or his own place. This guy has a full-time job so there’s plenty of money left to take me on dates (even with student loans ).…

  • Journal

    Safer Sex

    By Joy Lynn Clark 1/26/2023 I came up during the, “safe sex” era.  “Wear a condom” and, “stop the spread of HIV/AIDS”.  Unprotected sex freaks me out.  I am a single mother and I have been burnt before.  Ever since, I have vowed to never go through that kind of stress again.  The times that I did go raw dog and it didn’t work out, I worried all year long as I returned to the clinic for my pregnancy test and then HIV test.  Then six to eight months later I return for another HIV test just to be sure.  I got lucky this time. Sex is safer now then it ever has been.  However, condoms cannot stop…

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    Looking for a contract

    By Joy Lynn Clark August 18, 2022 Tez eventually caught some misdemeanor in another state. I didn’t know much about his status. What I did know was that he was locked up a short period of time followed by house arrest. Although I tried to sound positive when I heard the news, I figured that we were pretty much done for the moment. I was pissed because this project was underway. In the meantime, Shystie and I were pretty much on our own. I was doing the nightclub promo but it didn’t pay much. So I looked for work again. I need a day job! I was willing to just…

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    Getting Schooled On The Arts

    By Joy Lynn Clark 7/13/2022 Back when my child and I lived in the city, my child got the opportunity to go to a magnet school. He could have chosen math and science or a school for the arts. The math and science Academy were much closer but, I was uneasy about him attending another school that was so closeby. For the past couple of years, I homeschooled my child because I was nervous about the political climate in my new awesome neighborhood. I had attended a PTA meeting and I quickly realized that my neighborhood school already had some important goals on the table. I wanted the library and…

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    Dance List

    Here are some dance tracks for you to stream online free. Dazee Dizzle. J To Z Media LLC - North America - a nonprofit media company