Can I Fix This In The Pharmacy? (Backwards)

By Joy Lynn Clark


(I was diagnosed as bipolar II As a child. Some of the positive and negative symptoms I do not care for,  one of them is backwards thinking and not being able to tell the difference between right and wrong)

Backwards Thinking (prescription remix) by Dazee Dizzle, lyrics to follow

I suffer from some serious allergies. One of my allergies is also one of my favorite things in the world, citric acid. Citric acid is in everything. First, my lips burn, then I start to itch, and my skin will start to blemish. Usually, I will just take an allergy med and be happy.

A couple of years ago I had anaphylaxis from several of my favorite things at once. In addition, I was taking a B12 supplement fortified with vitamin C. I thought it could have been something different but, I turned red, my lips started burning, my throat swole up and, in the ER they gave me an antihistamine.

I swore my favorite thing off. Including the supplement. Which was hard, I had to give up so many things. I started hearing voices nonstop and I have trouble sleeping. In the middle of the night I wake up because my ears are ringing.

I know it sounds scary and you probably think of the insane. I am not insane.

However, I was diagnosed with a mental illness as a child and I have tried a bunch of meds. Most of the meds made me tierd. One kept me awake and I had to take it with a sedative.

I stopped those. I don’t have a behavior issue. I am not a danger to myself and others. I am not depressed. Quite frankly, there was a bunch of side effects that I did not care for.

My mother reminded me that I was diagnosed with anemia as a child. I always forget because I did not grow up taking iron supplements.

I looked into anemia. I went to the drug store. I bought some iron supplements and a B12 supplement in liquid form. I started to have trouble breathing (at times I felt like I was weezing). My stomach also started burning.

I figured I need to see a doctor. I saw an allergist. We took a skin test. My other serious allergies showed up immediately but, after 15 minutes, the reaction from the citrus looked non-existant to the nurse performing the test.

The doctor told me to stay away from my favorite thing. She prescribed and epi-pen.

A couple of months ago I went to the dentist and got a deep cleaning because the dentist said I have a bunch of calcium stuck to my teeth. I bought some antacid tablets, they double as a calcium supplement.

I have another appointment with a general doc.
The rest of the story Backwards Thinking can be found in the music store as a lyric sheet or mp3.

Lyrics From Backwards Thinking
Uglier than the feo fish in my Spanish book
Kids in my class know how that look
Like to bite so many rhymes I took
I am hard like goose down
I’m so fly I’m on the ground
Like my music quiet
Tell the truth you buy it
This is proof like zero
At this thing I’m not a pro
I’m not dressed nowhere to go
Not a star ain’t got no show
I’m so dim I have no glow
I am choppy with no flow
When It’s green I just don’t go
Radioactive I don’t blow

You backwards thinking
You really sick
Did you take your medicine?
You might need a pharmacist
I’ll write you a prescription
But I got my own practice
I agree with your diagnosis
I’m backwards thinking
I’m really sick
With my prognosis
I’ll write the script
You backwards thinking
You really sick
Did you take your medicine?
You might need a pharmacist
I’ll write you a prescription
But I got my own practice
I agree with your diagnosis
I’m backwards thinking
I’m really sick
With my prognosis
I’ll write the script

I can’t read nor can write
I don’t even sleep at night
At sunrise the shine ain’t bright
Close my eyes and view the light
Own a house, live northside
Trust me I’m not from the Chi
I can’t dance don’t take a stand
I don’t even have a plan
My ideas aren’t even grand
I am evil I’m so mean
Like a child eating jellybeans
I’m so dirty never clean
I’m not fresh need Listerine
Not the best you’ve ever seen
In the day I’m not working

You backwards thinking
You really sick
Did you take your medicine?
You might need a pharmacist
I’ll write you a prescription
But I got my own practice
I agree with your diagnosis
I’m backwards thinking
I’m really sick
With my prognosis
I’ll write the script

I don’t know inequality
I can’t even add past three
Can’t even do x factoring
And I know the reason why
I don’t just how it’s tied
I don’t even like to ride
Summertime I stay inside
I just thought of the last line

You backwards thinking
You really sick
Did you take your medicine?
You might need a pharmacist
I’ll write you a prescription
But I got my own practice
I agree with your diagnosis
I’m backwards thinking
I’m really sick
With my prognosis
I’ll write the script
You backwards thinking
You really sick
Did you take your medicine?
You might need a pharmacist
I’ll write you a prescription
But I got my own practice
I agree with your diagnosis
I’m backwards thinking
I’m really sick
With my prognosis
I’ll write the script

I know this song won’t be a hit
I am not ill literate
Cant think of a worse word for it
And I know you’re getting this
I can’t even rhyme that quick
And I never did a split
Use the chord not just the hit
I should tell you what I did
Was so wack when I was a kid
Made me stop that medicine
I ran slow ain’t got no hops
Catch my bike at the bus stop
And it’s safe don’t need a lock
Never look in the street I cross
I don’t floss I’m not a boss.

You backwards thinking
You really sick
Did you take your medicine?
You might need a pharmacist
I’ll write you a prescription
But I got my own practice
I agree with your diagnosis
I’m backwards thinking
I’m really sick
With my prognosis
I’ll write the script
You backwards thinking
You really sick
Did you take your medicine?
You might need a pharmacist
I’ll write you a prescription
But I got my own practice
I agree with your diagnosis
I’m backwards thinking
I’m really sick
With my prognosis
I’ll write the script

Joy Clark is a writer, producer, vocalist, and publisher. Lexington, KY

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