Same Name Game

Same Name Game performed by Dazee Dizzle

Hide like a bunch of fools

Thinking you can take mine without the tools

You say you can play that shit

Giving away every rhyme I spit

I don’t even think of you

Cause you never demonstrate anything you can do

You could have just come to me

But instead you bug out like a flea

You’re just parking far away

Trying to sit in my space

And calling tons of people’s names

Your’e just parking far away

Trying to sit in my space

And you’re playing the same name game

I know you are so pissed off

And I felt the same damn way

I thought I had heard my song

But I did’nt give it away

I can sing out if I want

And the drummers hitting his tom

And the sax is blowing along

You could have just come to me

But instead you bug out like a flea

You’re just parking far away

Trying to sit in my space

And calling tons of people’s names

Your’e just parking far away

Trying to sit in my space

And you’re playing the same name game

You say this just can’t be

Wrote these words and tracks by me

You say it must be this guy

The one who heard me singing

When he was passing by

You’re just parking far away

Trying to sit in my space

And calling tons of people’s names

Your’e just parking far away

Trying to sit in my space

And you’re playing the same name game

I bet you live in the next block

Walking about and I bet you make rock

I love music we should just collab

But you’re shaking me down for all I have

I wonder if I’m getting hacked

You know that beat you stole

You should give it back

You could have just come to me

But instead you bug out like a flea

You’re just parking far away

Trying to sit in my space

And calling tons of people’s names

Your’e just parking far away

Trying to sit in my space

And you’re playing the same name game

Joy Clark is a writer, producer, vocalist, and publisher. Lexington, KY