I only have eyes for . . . B2K

By Joy Lynn Clark

January 8, 2022

Before my Bestie and I decided to look for a place, we went to a free performance that was advertised on the radio. There was a group performing there that I just had to see – B2K.

I remember it like yesterday, B and I entered the room and my eyes quickly diverted to the stage where the opening act was performing and dancing. Someone grabs B and asks, “do you vote, are you 18?”. In my mind, “barely but yes”. “Let me introduce you to this old guy politician who is distracting you from the concert.“ I think next. I take the sticker or whatever they’ve got. My Bestie’s face looks white.

“Did you at least ask him if he can take us backstage?” I question. Bridgette is so livid, “He is trying to holler at me and he is so nasty!!!!, Do you know what he did? He grabbed my ass!”. “OMG”, and I shush her. We can discuss this after the show. “I can’t believe you!” she retorted. “Its not like dudes don’t give us cheezy lines all the time, just don’t vote for him!” I respond.

“How can we meet the band?” I am looking around for the door to get behind the stage. This dude was like, “I might be able to do something.” B is snapping and I realize that I might be asking too much. I am gonna have to get backstage on my own. This never was a problem for me before. To this day, I am pissed about how all of her rambling kept me from going backstage. I always go backstage, this politician dude was not all that.

In hindsight, I probably wasn’t sensitive enough about that guy’s nastiness. On the other hand, I have big plans on becoming a star and B knows that. I really just didn’t want to miss the show.

Roland Burris ended up getting in trouble for a sex scandal.

(This has been one of the hardest stories I have ever had to write in my life)

Joy Clark is a writer, producer, vocalist, and publisher. Lexington, KY