Love In Progress
By Joy Lynn Clark
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
In the beginning of the year I chose to make a lot of changes in my life. Last year sucked so bad that all I could do was do things completely differently. First off, I let go of my studio lease. I got tired of driving all the way to Louisville and, my studio was near this heating duct that was just ringing constantly. -the noise was getting into all of my half assed stuff that I made.
Next, I chose to reach out to some of my old friends that I haven’t spoken to in a while. Thirdly, after crying my eyes out over two trips I decided to bang this other guy who was kind of depressing but we did use condoms. OK that last part made me realize what I am looking for in a partner.
Love and commitment.
After not having to pay two rents, I realized maybe I could save money. Hell, I could buy a house and have a home studio.
Then I thought about my lovers and I realize that if they want what I want and I am going to need a commitment. I am so tired of being single and I’m also tired of living in an apartment.
So I started this real estate class online. And I also Put away a little cash and I’m planning to put away a little more. I expect love to take some time, kind of like saving up to buy a new home.
So here’s a crappy ass song that I made in my apartment which is A better, although not finished or mastered version of don’t turn me off.
You want to give me babies
Yet this is new
Let you sow your seed
Just to get with you
Let me let you know
That I’m a prostitute
And you got to have dough
For me to mess with you
And You want this thang
Well I know that’s true
Got to be big
For me to get with you
I’m really not a ho
I’m just messing with you
I’ve got to call my Fam
There’s so much to do
Don’t turn me off
So you can get quiet
Wanna make some noise
Don’t turn me off
We can get down
Don’t turn me off
Wanna make some noise
So let’s get married
You can seed it up
But Imma Need that ring
Before you beat it up
Ain’t Got condoms
For my husband to be
Get this thing for life
Just for messing with me
This is new
But I’m so in love
Just hit me right now
From God above
And we can leave this room
And go to my crib
Get your stuff
Because you’re moving in
Don’t turn me off
So you Can get quiet
Wanna make some noise
Don’t turn me off
We can get down
Don’t turn me off
Wanna make some noise
I’ll be so glad
When my period is late
Going to have your baby
And I’m feeling great
And I know you can
Afford to buy us a house
Because you’ve got that thing
I can’t be with out