
  • Journal

    Grown Up Firsts

    By Joy Lynn Clark May 22nd 2022 Before I met Tez and Shystie I did lots of promo while in college. However, my first gig was in a pizza spot/bar on the north side of Chicago where I also went to school. I mention school a lot but, I was at city College studying liberal arts. There I met a cool guy who did lots of promo work outside of school. I loved getting into all of the hip-hop, dance Hall, and dance music  shows.  In addition to that, he also helped me get a job on campus and, we were on school clubs together. I was thrilled when he got an offer to do…

  • Journal

    2001 or 2002-ish (A crucial year)  

    By Joy Lynn Clark 5/20/2022 I  met Tez and  Shystie in 2001 at a Ghostface show. I was invited by a promoter friend of mine and I was scheduled to perform at a venue nearby in a couple of weeks. I was glad to meet my friend and he passes me a VIP lanyard and we go upstairs. We see the show and then my friend wanders off to go and schmooze afterwards. I grab myself a drink and decide to go and do my own mingling. As I head downstairs, Tez tries to stop me and introduce himself but I have really got to go and I dismiss him quickly and then I practically run to the…

  • tentative artwork

    A Cute House (in progress)

    By Joy Lynn Clark Friday, May 6, 2022 Making this song reminded me how hard it is to really actualize your dreams. I was really excited to get back to work however, just the week before I was hospitalized with asthma problems and I was on prednisone. When I first cut this I was really happy until I realized That I look and sound a little under the weather. Since then our state had said nothing but rain and tornadoes so I will finish when the weather is better. Call this a first draft. A Cute House – Dazee Dizzle

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    After The Rain - By Joy Lynn Clark, public assistance, Bar Rescue, National Parks, J To Z Media LLC Kentucky USA North America

  • Journal

    Rain on the river

    Rain On The River-By Joy Lynn Clark, Flood, Tornado, Car, Oppression Quotes 2 , TTYL, Sunday Bullshit, Seasons, Nega-Mi, Collision glass. Lawyer, streaming site class action. J To Z Media LLC 501(C)(3), Kentucky USA North America.