• Journal

    Paris 2024 (Summer Games)

    9/2/2024 By Joy Lynn Clark Of all of the things to fail to mention, lol “Things” my track was featured on the summer games performed by Jellyroll. I loved it and I am still looking for my cues but, I am thrilled! Way to go team USA!

  • Journal

    My Heart

    By Joy Lynn Clark 8/23/2024 I’ve always enjoyed coming from the south suburbs into the city. My parents grew up a block away from each other and I always got a chance to see both sets of my grandparents. When I moved in with my dad and stepmother we would either come up by the interstate or we would simply ride straight up Halsted Street.  On Papi’s side we’d head to Saint Helena’s for church on Sunday morning and on Pawpaw’s side we would go to church at Trinity. I always loved to beg my favorite aunt to take me to the Purple Cow for ice cream Sundaes and candy.…