
How come they don’t have any game? (Thats how the Game Goes)

October 12, 2014

By Joy Lynn Clark

That’s How The Game Goes by Dazee Dizzle


    I wanted to be a vegan.  Not really to “save” the cute little animals but, I began to wonder how I got them.  A family member once told me we are eating a bunch of chicken wings, think of how many chickens had to die for us to have this big bucket of wings.  I poured on more hot sauce and tried to forget.  But everytime I ate chicken wings I started to count how many chickens it could have been.  I would count one, two, three, if I am really hungry four.  Danm, I am taking some chickens down.  Then, I started to think worldwide how many chickens are dying for our wing obsession?

    Okay, maybe that’s drastic but then we started talking about three eyed fish and I said to myself, “Oh hell naw, eight winged chickens”.  That just ain’t right.  So, I started looking into the situation and I got interested in the treatment of animals.  I did not like a lot of it.  However, I do like meat.

    It became clear to me that my conscience is clear when it comes to hunting.  When I was younger, my stepdad would come in with a tag on his pheasant and it seemed really different to me however, I thought it was very honest.

    A couple of years ago I got a book titled, “The biggest bear”, It looked liked it was probably outlawed by the library but I took the book.  I read it to my son.  There is a hunting rifle in the story.  Those were different times but, the bear was taken to the zoo and was not slaughtered.

    When I was young my parents bought live lobster.  What a treat.  They ran around, and scared the crap out of me. Don’t get it twisted, I love lobster.

    I tried vegetarianism at a young age.  Can you believe I had a hard time eating an animal I just met? I gave up meat.  As a kid still with their parents it was a hard way to live.  I took meat back reluctantly, sort of J.   I ate a lot of cheese.

    As I got older and on my own being a vegetarian was just hard.  I did not participate in many family feasts.  I was on again off again with it.

    After I had my son I became a vegan.  It was a good experience.  I was forced to get educated on food.  I was also forced to cook.  When I say cook, I mean everything from  scratch.  And you have to count protein with every meal.  Nonetheless, my figure never looked better, my skin was glowing, and my hair was the healthiest it had ever been.

    Unfortunately, I was never more separated at family gatherings.  I really don’t have any problem with meat itself.  I would just rather be really clear on the source.  If I were the sort of person to catch it myself, I would.  However, I am not.  Do I have the right to have this meat?

    I thought about having a cow or a chicken.  Not really my type of lifestyle.

    Why think so hard about these things?  If I am eating this meat to participate in family gatherings, are my relationships worth this extreme change in lifestyle?  Not to mention, I am from a FOID-having, four-wheel driving, camo-wearing, not-hunting, therefore assault-shooting family.  My bad, maybe it’s paintball.  How come they don’t have any game?

    The rest of the story can be listened to or read in the lyric blog, That’s How The Game Goes.


    That’s How The Game Goes


    You’re so fresh

    And I know

    You’ll never grow

    Unless you go, Chi

    That’s what I mean

    Can’t call my name

    Unless you see


    I’ts been one

    I’m not gonna play

    Make a move

    Or delay

    I run the track

    And the track is laid

    So I get paid

    Or it’s a robbery


    You’re so fresh

    And I know

    You’ll never grow

    Unless you go, Chi

    That’s what I mean

    Can’t call my name

    Unless you see


    They so late

    And they think we slow

    Gon run right up

    Or you gon get low

    And I got a vest

    Didn’t you know

    We all shooters

    Not just a stack of ones

    In Hooter’s


    You in the country

    Call it U.S.

    Want me behind you

    But I am the best

    Because we family

    I don’t know the rest

    I’m not your unknown

    I am not a guest


    I’ts been one

    I’m not gonna play

    Make a move

    Or delay

    I run the track

    And the track is laid

    So I get paid

    Or it’s a robbery


    You’re so fresh

    And I know

    You’ll never grow

    Unless you go, Chi

    That’s what I mean

    Can’t call my name

    Unless you see


    Ain’t nothing moving

    Unless my family is grooving

    Been too long

    And we won’t give it away

    Winning the race

    With no delay

    If you set up shop

    We gon have to get paid

    Cause the maiz land

    Is more than game

    If you coming through

    It’s gon be a trade

    What’s the profit margin

    On lemonade

    I don’t know

    That’s why I go

    That’s how the game goes





    Joy Clark is a writer, producer, vocalist, and publisher. Lexington, KY