Media that I’ve been watching
Anime for Grown-ups : AAchi & SSipak
Now streaming on Crunchyroll 04/13/2019 By Joy Lynn Clark I was perusing Crunchyroll when I noticed the cover art. I always like when I see a stylish peace that looks unlike the rest. I usually go for the comedy stuff but this one is described as, “post-apocalypitic dystopia”. Ok, still has my attention. The opening scene was trippy and bloody all at the same time. I was like, not your usual anime. This one is definitely not for kids. It was pretty cool. I was jamming along with the alternative and the machine-gun electronic. Several minutes go by before I even get to the dialogue. I think I saw another…
9/26/2025 By Joy Lynn Clark I first watched “Joy” starring Jennifer Lawrence on cable. I thoroughly enjoyed it and was uplifted by how Joy Magano became successful in business. Why now you ask? Its totally worth a mention from me.