
  • Journal

    A Cool Weekend

    By Joy Lynn Clark January 26, 2022 My stepbrother has business in Louisville from time to time. He invited me to come down. He had been raving on about it for over a year and I also have family there. I came with, and we checked into our rooms. We had a nice dinner and planned for our big next day. My stepbrother headed off to work and I took a rideshare to visit my grandmother’s sisters. My great aunt was still Recovering from her surgery and full of jokes. I was glad because I was really worried when she collapsed at my half sister’s wedding. She is in much…

  • Journal

    Baby Sister

    By Joy Lynn Clark January 20, 2022 When I was in kindergarten mom started having problems with my stepdad. At the time she was pregnant with my sister she decided to drive all the way to California. It was a pretty fun trip but our VW seemed to break down in every state along the way. We’d visit the mechanic and then somehow make it to our motel room and spend the night. Eventually we got to San Francisco. I thought that all of the steep hills were amazing. It was cool going up and down. Once we got to my aunts apartment that was on a hill, I could…

  • Journal

    Losing weight

    By Joy Lynn Clark January 12, 2022 Just before I headed to State University I’ll head couple of goals. One was to brush up on my math skills (I hadn’t done any of this math and 20 years and I didn’t want to play catch-up learning things new). The other was to lose weight. My meds let me put it on fast and I was not comfortable in my clothes. I had just put my record out online and I hate it all of my photos. I looked well, fat. I knew that I was better off adding my photo to the cover but none of them looked right. At…

  • Journal

    Giving it up

    By Joy Lynn Clark January 10, 2022 After I had my baby boy I settle down quickly. I had a live-in guy for a couple of years and then we broke up. I was back in treatment because I was getting sick again and I was making some of the best music of my life. I quit everything – Meat, pot, and cigarettes. In reality, the mest was because I really wanted to lose weight. The pot and the cigarettes were mainly for financial reasons. And Chicago cigarette prices have risen an extra three dollars a pack and I just refuse to Pay that much. Also, I didn’t like buying…

  • Journal

    Exploring Education

    By Joy Lynn Clark January 10, 2022 As an honor student at city College I was invited to attend a two week session for students who are interested in pursuing a career in education. In addition, after completion of the course, it counts as, “teacher credits”. I wasn’t all the way sure about becoming a teacher but I did want to visit this university. All of us candidates boarded the charter bus and headed to the very large university campus that was an hour and a half to two hours away. When we arrived, we got our own rooms and a tour of the campus. This campus was so big…