
  • Journal

    A Healthy Influence (Or at least as healthy as we can get)

    By Joy Lynn Clark October 6, 2021 When I was first made aware that I too, am a celiac there was a learning curve. The hardest category for a celiac is liquor. First off, I drink a bunch of rum under the assumption that rhyme is made of sugar cane. I took a course in bartending years ago. So I do have some useful knowledge. I even earned a bartending certificate and I have experience tending bar. I also assume that vodka is made from potatoes. Years later I was surprised to find out that vodka is also made from wheat as well as corn. I thought about telling you…

  • Journal

    The God of Candy

    By Joy Lynn Clark September 23, 2021 My grandparents – On both sides are pretty religious. One side Catholic and the other, protestant. I always try to be good and sit through church. We would get dressed up and go listen to the word. I wasn’t teally that into it but I did my duty and went along. My parents on the other hand. were not religious at all. I really only had to go when I was with grandma and grandpa. I Remember one period As a child when I chose to attend church on my own. The missionaries would ride down my block in a school bus and…

  • Journal

    Love In Progress

    By Joy Lynn Clark Tuesday, June 8, 2021 In the beginning of the year I chose to make a lot of changes in my life. Last year sucked so bad that all I could do was do things completely differently. First off, I let go of my studio lease. I got tired of driving all the way to Louisville and, my studio was near this heating duct that was just ringing constantly. -the noise was getting into all of my half assed stuff that I made. Next, I chose to reach out to some of my old friends that I haven’t spoken to in a while. Thirdly, after crying my…

  • Journal

    Two Trips

    By Joy Lynn Clark April 21, 2021 I recently took a trip to Illinois for business and pleasure. I wanted to connect with family and friends and I also had a bit of work to do. I took a quick trip to Burr Oak to make sure that the head stone was raised. On my last visit to the cemetery one of the headstones was sinking into the ground. Everything was fine on that note, so I quickly left and sat to visit family and friends. I stayed at my dads house. He was cool. Next, I spent the day with my mom. She was cool too. Next I went…

  • Journal

    The Influence

    By Joy Lynn Clark April 20, 2021 Over the last 15 years, media has come along way. Advances and the Internet, and wireless communications allow us to enjoy music, movies, television, literature, art, and games–About anything at anytime that we choose. Writers, artists, scientist, students – anyone really can publish media nowadays. With all of this knowledge and entertainment streaming through the airwaves, we are all influenced. We are personalities with profiles that people around the world can access at any time. I speak to the world through the Internet. My words can be translated for all to comprehend. Therefore, I am an influencer. On the other hand, I can…