career moves while in college
December 28, 2021
By Joy Lynn Clark
After my job with the phone company I went through several positions quickly. Next was the Furrier that was cool but I just wasn’t that interested in fighting with these old ladies to make commissions. Some Nice business women were willing to allow me to sell them suits. On the other hand, all hell broke loose if I even attempted to sell a fur. So seriously on the, “fur floor” I could assist and tidy things up but I never got the commission. Since this job is mostly made of commission, I just didn’t make enough.
Next, I did office work for a temp agency or two. I could type and use a computer well enough. This work was so boring and when school starts I will have to work part time anyway.
Finally, I got a job at this big box department store. In the department where they sell music, movies, computer software, games, and back then, books. This job didn’t pay much but I loved it. I also did some street promo for a friend of mine but it was mainly for the free concert tickets and connections. I hardly talked to my folks unless I needed money for books.
At the big box store I bought every new release that came out on VHS.
My favorite at the time was The cult film Hackers. Favorite lines, “the worlds most frequently used passwords are Mother, sex, God, money, and porn.” And, “I miss you like I miss my mind.” I quoted this in my song, “Pale horse.”
I ended up getting a promotion and moved to merchandising. It was similar to what I was already doing but, I had to put together displays and sometimes help out in other stores. I also had to receive a shipment a month, and I always chose the new release shipment.
The downside of this job, they made me remove my piercings. I tried to hide them but I had slurred speech a few times. I also kept swallowing the ball on my barbell so I ended up taking it out. On the other hand, my raps improved because now I don’t sound like I’m on heroin. I also started doing a performance show weekly I worked here up until I graduated with honors.