Airplane Mode Is Really Helpful
By Joy Lynn Clark
When I first really noticed the Airplane Mode option in my cell phone I was on a flight to Burbank from Chicago. I thought that perhaps I could still use my phone if I try this little option. Unfortunately for me, we were alerted to turn our cell phones off. Oh well, it is 2011.
A voice in my head said, “Try Airplane mode” I gave airplane mode a try again in 2015. I had just purchased a cheap Galaxy J7 from Best Buy on Black Friday. As I realized that it really just keeps me from getting a signal, I decided to not use it.
Here’s were we mention my disability, I hear things. Not usually things that are nonexistent or wacky in some way, but more like signals that are coming through the airwaves. I can tell you funny stories about it but, I am extremely sensitive to light (see Roy G. Biv for more info). It took me a long time to recognize some of the technology-related things that I have always been sensitive to.
I grew up with the latest cable, internet, and communications devices. With my career and the things that I enjoy in my daily life I just can’t live without it. Some I have lived with well, others not so much. I am a, “Power User” which back in the day (2000 lol) referred to people who use computers alot. I had VOIP on my computer early on. I didn’t use it much because it didn’t sound so good.
Currently, I have an LG. I also have a wifi hotspot that I carry around for my laptop and gaming phone. I keep my “Contact Phone” off most of the time. I am also getting irritated because of how much I am paying for something that I am keeping off. Once again, “Try Airplane Mode”. I consider this to be an excellent option since I do in fact, live near an airport. LG was kind enough to let me know what my options were, “most stuff won’t work unless you use wifi”. Great, I do have wifi. Wifi calling is even an option. I first got on my home network. I did not like it at all, I am still hearing things. Then, I put the phones on my hotspot. Yay, I am finally getting some peace.
All in all, airplane mode is an excellent option to lose a bunch of noise. If you have the kind of sensitivities that I have it may help to purchase a hotspot so that you can keep your phone on but, with airplane mode. Of course it is an extra expense, but for me it is totally worth it.
Note: Not all devices work with it. Especially the older ones.